Hebrew for Nerds

Sergey Tachenov


A book on Hebrew written by a learner in a process of learning. I made my best effort to verify every idea I put here, but I could still make some mistakes, so it is in no way intended as a definitive guide. Moreover, this book is rather incomplete at the moment (2013-10-13), and probably will never be, but who knows? At least I did my best to share my knowledge with the rest of the world, so please don’t blame me for that.

Table of Contents

Hebrew Isn’t That Scary
I. Introduction
I.1. Getting Started
I.2. More Talking
I.3. Names, Verbs, Patterns and Roots
I.4. Introducing the Alphabet
I.5. Comparing Things (to be continued...)
II. Details
II.1. Shem (placeholder)
II.2. Poal (placeholder)
III. Reference
III.1. Alephbet
III.1.1. Letters
III.1.2. Vowels
III.2. Patterns
III.2.1. Poal and Related
III.2.2. Shem
IV. Drafts
IV.1. Drafts

List of Tables

III.1.1. Hebrew letters
III.1.2. Cursive letters
III.1.3. Similar-looking letters
III.1.4. Nekudot
III.1.5. Matres lectionis
III.2.1. Main binyan patterns
III.2.2. Ef’al forms
III.2.3. Absolute infinitive forms
III.2.4. Shem patterns